
Archive for the ‘Language’ Category

To forgive is to let go of blame and release the negative feelings from within yourself.  Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself more than to the other (unless the one you need to forgive is yourself – then it is a double gift!)  This doesn’t mean that you forget.  You remember, but the memory is no longer charged with hurt, anger or resentment.

Example:  My father was passive aggressive and very athletic.  Over and over he would promise to be kind (to hold the bike, to hit the tennis ball gently, etc.) and every time I would end up hurt and scared while he laughed or feigned innocence, “I thought you could hit the ball. ” or “I thought you could turn the bike” (he laughed from 20 feet away since he had let go of the bike and I crashed into a fence ).  When I was seven he convinced me to sit in his lap as he was driving on the freeway so I could hold the steering wheel.  Yes, I was scared, especially when he drew closer and closer to the car in front of us.  As always, I ended in frightened and humiliated tears,  “Daddy, why are you getting so close?!”  He laughed and replied,” I wanted to see if you would change into the other lane.”  That was my dad.

I had lots of therapy, even a few sessions with my father, and chose to forgive him because I still loved him.  I never allowed him a minute alone with my children, however.  That is not quite accurate.  When my first born was just old enough to sit up we played a game sitting on the grass rolling a big soft ball back and forth.  My dad took a turn and gently rolled the ball, over and over.  The telephone rang in my house.  I could see through the window from where the phone was attached to the wall, so I took a couple of steps into the house, grabbed the phone and turned to see my father toss the ball firmly into my sons face, knocking him over and leaving him in tears.  “Sorry” he said, “I thought he would catch it.”

My father had some really wonderful parts to his personality.  He had a wicked sense of humor, could barbecue like a pro and was a great dancer.  I had more than just forgiveness for him, I had compassion and love too.

Compassion is going beyond the point of view that someone did something bad, but you are willing to let it go.  True compassion is beyond the polarity of good and bad to the place of understanding that people are not “perfect”.  It is not possible to be perfect.  I know why my dad acted like he did.  I know enough of his childhood horrors to realize that he was being the best person he could be.  I know he tried to be a better man his whole life.  So really, there was nothing to forgive.  I also trusted my father.  I trusted that he would be himself and would do something mean any time I turned my back. So I never let him alone with my children.


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I enjoy exploring the energetics and original meanings of words. (You can find more words in the category “Language”.)

Recently I’ve been thinking about the difference between the words decide and choose. To me decide feels much more heavy, significant and final. So I decided to do a little research in the dictionary about their origins. Here’s what I found.

Old English: ceosan “choose, taste, try”; akin to Greek geúesthai “to enjoy” and Latin gustāre “ to taste, relish”

Late 14c., from Old French: decider, from L. decidere “to decide,” lit. “to cut off,” from de- “off” + cædere “to cut, to kill”

Decide shares the same etymological root with “homicide”! Definitely a heavier energy than the origins of choose, “to taste, to enjoy”!

Read the rest of the article here.


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Shame is prevalent in our society. Let’s have a look at it…
Shame from Dictionary.com


1. The painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another:

2. Disgrace; ignominy: His actions brought shame upon his parents.

There is a difference between guilt and shame. Guilt is when you have done something wrong or bad, but you can apologize and do something to right the wrong. With shame, there is something inherently wrong with YOU and there’s nothing that you can do to “make it better”. This is why it is so painful to feel shame.

The definition that I find so interesting, and most relevant is “disgrace”. The prefix dis- is from Latin and means not  or removed from. So to be disgraced means to be removed from grace, also called state of grace which is the condition of being in God’s favor or one of the elect.  If you are shamed (disgraced) then it feels like God/Creator has rejected you. You’ve got to be pretty bad when even God doesn’t love you! That’s the worst pain of all. It’s the separation from Creator or Home.

I have discovered that many, if not most people are not even aware of when they are feeling shame. The reason for this is that shame is a hider. It disguises itself as other emotions or thoughts.

How do you know when you are having shame?
You want to hide from the world.
You feel slightly nauseous.
You blush.
You loose the ability to speak well (or at all).
You feel angry at someone or something for “making you feel bad”.
You feel like you are not as good as someone else.
You are afraid that someone will find out that you are a “fraud”.
You are afraid of being rejected.

Here’s an example. A woman in my Master’s Journey Course told me this story. During the teleseminar (while we were working on recognizing and un-creating shame in order to open more to awareness and knowing from the spiritual realms) her phone kept disconnecting. This happened several times and each time she felt more and more angry.

Being a wise master, she asked what was the “decode”, or message from this. Immediately she realized that she was concerned about being disconnected from the group and felt shame about it. Think about how bad it would feel to be part of an amazing group of masters and to be disconnected (rejected) by them.

What she felt at first was the anger that was really shame in disguise. Once she was aware of the shame, and so could actually feel it, it was cleared. And the phone quit disconnecting.

A side note: what an amazing creator she is to make the phone disconnect several times!

Another popular disguise for shame is fear.  Think about public speaking. They say that it is the biggest fear that most people have, even over death. What’s the worst thing that could happen? You will get up there and have nothing to say? People will laugh at you or be so bored that they get up and leave?

Public humiliation (shame) is a very intense experience. If people rank public speaking as there greatest fear, even over death, does that mean they would rather die that take the chance of being shamed?

Fear of shame. Wow, that is a big one!

This is the reason we hesitate or completely avoid sharing our true gifts with the world. What if you did open up, get that vulnerable and offer you special gift and the world rejected you? How do you recover from that kind of pain?

I remember my Pre-school graduation ceremony. I was 4 years old. All of us kids were sitting on bleachers and our parents were proudly watching us. We had been practicing for weeks to sing our song. The teacher would sing, to the melody of Frère Jacques (Brother John):

Where is Johnny?
Where is Johnny?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Tell us where you are.
Tell us where you are.

Then the child was supposed to stand up, extend there arms into the air and sing loudly:

Here I am!
Here I am!

Most of the kids were really shy and sang really quietly. I remember thinking, “That’s not what the teacher told us to do. I’m going to do it right and really please my Mommy!”

So when it was my turn, I stood up, threw my arms out and sang “Here I am!” loudly and boldly.

People giggled, my mom’s shook her head, clearly not pleased and she said to the woman next to her, “Sarah always has to be the center of attention.”

I remember the shocking pain and humiliation I felt. I wanted to disappear. That one phrase (which I heard on many other occasions since then) and the huge amount of shame I felt stopped me from living my dreams and sharing my gift with the world. It has been a long journey for me to be able to be in front of a group of people and teach a class, not to mention channeling in front of them.

The good news is that I am not only able to do that now, but I actually enjoy it… a lot!  Mom was right, I DO like to be the center of attention! And, it’s a good thing.

How did I get so that I can enjoy being in front of people? By feeling and clearing the shame! And you can do it too.

Here are some other words that we use instead of saying shame. It’s such a good hider that we don’t even use its real name.

Low self esteem

(Other than shame, to mortify means,     to subjugate (the body, passions, etc.) by abstinence, ascetic discipline, or self-inflicted suffering. Ewww! It is, of course based on “to die”.
After doing a session about clearing shame, Liz Pegg wrote this to me.

“I hadn’t realized how much shame was affecting me.  Once I began seeing it for what it really was, I’m able to scoop it out and send it down the (Imagi-Creation Un-create) Wormhole.  It comes up just like you said too, disguised as so many other things but I can now see the underlying energy is shame.   I was literally flabbergasted yesterday when I realized all the thoughts that constantly flitter around in my head, are the result of a feeding between shame and mass consciousness.  I feel so much more empowered now as I’ve uncreated and destroyed a great deal of the regular “beating up Liz” program that I wasn’t even conscious of!!  Amazing.

And afterwards.

I actually experienced what it was like to feel ALL that I am – everything, I felt how immense and timeless I am. How loving, connected and expansive. I felt the power of just “Being”. I became my entire being. I was wise, still, aware, everything and nothing all at once.

I don’t think I’ll ever feel powerless again or even for a moment forget that feeling of who I really am.”

Do you “want what she’s having”? (Cue Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally.)

Are you longing to feel and actually be “All that you are”?

What is your gift to bring to this world?

Is shame (or fear of shame) preventing you from offering your gift to the world and living your dream?

Would you like to get rid of all that?

Let me know. Clearing shame is something I specialize in.  To read more about shame go to:

Shame and Your Divinity: How the Hidden Emotion Separates You From Creator

I invite you to peruse my website: http://imagi-creation.com/ .  There are great free guided meditations and recorded webinars.  You may sign up for my newsletters to read Cosmic Tides Reports, new articles and get special offers.  There is a tab in the menu on this page and on the right side of my website pages.

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Receiving is one of the words that is used a lot in metaphysical circles, especially in relationship to “being willing to receive” money.

Let’s look at the definition.

From Latin recipere, meaning “regain, take back”

It’s a combination of the prefix re- which had two meanings “again” and “back to the original place”, + -cipere, which is a form of capere “to take” (see capable).

To receive means to take again and to take back to the original place.
The underlying energy of receiving is that you are taking back something that was yours to begin with. You are going back to the original place (or state of being). What is the original place?

Read more…

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In this series I will be exploring the energy of language. I will look at commonly used words from the point of view or their original meaning because words carry the energy of their original meaning even though we have a different understanding of them now. I will also explore the energy of language from the point of view of my Greater Self.

People are constantly talking, both with their mouths (outside voice) and in their heads (inside voice). The logical mind (left brain) communicates with words. But words have meanings and energies that can be very different from what the logical mind thinks. So when we use these words, whether with the inside or outside voices, the energy underneath still comes through.

Word Number Five: Goal

How many times have you set a goal that you were unable to reach?

Or, you did finally reach your goal, but it took a lot of will power and hard work?

When I looked up goal in the dictionary, it was defined in the way that most of us commonly use the word: the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

But, when I read the origin of the word I was surprised. Goal is from the Middle English word, gol meaning boundary, limit. From the Old English word gǣlan to hinder, impede.

Oops! That’s a really different meaning!

So, instead of setting goals for yourself, how about you create an intent? Also from Middle English, intentus an aim, purpose, a stretching out. That sounds better to me.


Or even better than that is the power word of the New Energy, choose.

Choose is defined as to select from a number of possibilities; pick by preference.

From Middle English chosen, chésen, Old English céosan; Goth kiusan, ; akin to geúesthai to enjoy, Latin gustāre to taste (like gusto).

The energy of to choose is very different from the energy of to set a goal.

When you say, “My goal is to earn $3000 next month” the first thing that comes up is what you have to do in order to achieve that goal. It feels like effort. Remember the definition? The result or achievement toward which effort is directed.

When you say, “I choose to receive $3000 next month” it is an invitation for the Universe to bring it to you. This feels like ease. Remember the definition: to select from a number of possibilities? Let’s add the word infinite. “To select from an infinite number of possibilities!”

Or you could say, “I am choosing to bring in financial prosperity and abundance next month.” Perhaps the Universe would like to send you more than $3000! Now you’re cooking with fire!

So, what are you intending to create now? What are you going to choose for this amazing New Year in the New Energy?

The next word that I will be looking at is receive.

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In this series I will be exploring the energy of language. I will look at commonly used words from the point of view or their original meaning because words carry the energy of their original meaning even though we have a different understanding of them now. I will also explore the energy of language from the point of view of my Greater Self.

People are constantly talking, both with their mouths (outside voice) and in their heads (inside voice). The logical mind (left brain) communicates with words. But words have meanings and energies that can be very different from what the logical mind thinks. So when we use these words, whether with the inside or outside voices, the energy underneath still comes through.

Word Number Four: Family

Do you struggle with your family? During certain times of the year, especially around the holiday season you are more likely to be affected by your family. There are so many belief systems and embedded programs about how you are supposed to behave with your family. For some people family is a blessing. But for most people who are on a conscious path dealing with their biological family is difficult to downright miserable.

You know what I’m talking about, I’m sure.

So let’s look at the origin of the word:

c.1400, “servants of a household,” from L. familia “household,” including relatives and servants, from famulus “servant,” of unknown origin.

Isn’t that curious? The root word of family is servant. If you read my post, Playing with Language Three: In Service or Inspiration, then you know how I feel about being a servant.

I don’t know of anyone who is going through this amazing Ascension process who hasn’t had to make some kind of break from their biological family. Your family expects you to behave in certain ways, either because you have in the past or because that’s the role that you have always played in the family dynamic. When you change, they try to change you back. The persuasion can be pretty intense. “How can you treat your own Mother like that?”, “I’m your only sister, how could you ask me to stay at a hotel?” You have to be willing to completely lose your family. I’m not saying that this will happen, though it might, but you have to be willing for it to happen or you can’t get clear of all the programming.

And don’t get caught in the quicksand trap of trying to heal them. Yes, you have a lot of clarity that they don’t have. Yes, you know some amazing healing techniques. And if someone from your family approaches you asking for your help or healing, go ahead if you wish. But don’t go trying to help anybody (family or not) who does not want it. If you give someone something that they can’t or don’t want to receive they will send it back with daggers attached. This includes healing, help and advice. The people in your family are choosing their own reality. They are not waiting for you to show them a better way.

Whenever you spend time with family be conscious of picking up their energy. For every thought, emotion and physical sensation that you have, ask this question, “Is this energy mine?” We tend to pick up stuff from biological family even more than normal so probably NONE of it is yours! Clear yourself frequently of outside energies.

Try using the Golden Mesh process. I have created a short audio that guides you through the process. You will find it on my website. Here’s the link.

I invite you to create the holidays that you desire. Don’t slip into your family’s reality, create your own reality. How do you create YOUR holiday season? What would you create if it was up to you?

Need some help? I’m teaching a teleseminar on December 12th called Clearing the Christmas Crap! Click here to learn more.

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In this series I will be exploring the energy of language. I will look at commonly used words from the point of view or their original meaning because words carry the energy of their original meaning even though we have a different understanding of them now. I will also explore the energy of language from the point of view of my Greater Self.

People are constantly talking, both with their mouths (outside voice) and in their heads (inside voice). The logical mind (left brain) communicates with words. But words have meanings and energies that can be very different from what the logical mind thinks. So when we use these words, whether with the inside or outside voices, the energy underneath still comes through.


I believe, as most metaphysical people I know believe, that eventually we will all ascend. We will transform into beautiful, powerful spiritual beings. We will once again become True Creators. The brave souls who are at the leading edge of the process have the duty and desire to help the ones who follow. But, I also believe that the game has changed from what we anticipated it would be when we came into these lives. Somehow, we did the unexpected, our “Train of Evolution” has switched tracks. This new track has grand and expanded possibilities that were not possible on the original track. In the new game it is no longer appropriate to be self-less servers and humble healers. In the new game the highest spiritual expression is to be self-full, to embody more of our self, our Greater Self, while still being in physical reality. In the new game, the new energy, our role is to be the model, the standard and the inspiration.

Let’s look at the definitions from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:

Serve: Middle English, from Anglo-French servir, from Latin servire “to be a slave”Definition: To be a servant.

Inspire: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French inspirer, from Latin inspirare, from in- + spirare “to breathe”Definition: to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration.

Personally, I would much prefer the energy of ”to breathe” and “influence, move or guide by divine inspiration”, than “to be a slave” or “be a servant”.

Can you imagine what it would be like if everybody was willing to be and express their own amazing Soul/God Self? Can you imagine if the teachers and healers gave up their missions and started living from a place of joy?

A few years ago I realized that I was carrying a mission to hold this world together. That last world that I felt responsible for was destroyed and is now only an asteroid belt. I vowed that I wouldn’t let that happen to this one! Let me tell you, that mission was exhausting and very painful for my body. I asked Gaia if it was her desire that I keep “holding her together”. The answer was, “NO!” It wasn’t needed. If anything, what she needed was for me to release all those diminishing beliefs and missions for they limit the amount of light and joy I can have and bring to the planet. Since I un-created that mission, I have been able to create and receive a more expanded and joyful vision. I feel inspired and empowered in a new and satisfying way. When I work with people, it is really fun for me. I see their amazing possibilities instead of seeing their problems and weaknesses. Instead of trying to heal people, I point to the way around or through the obstacle, I show them the potential they have within. I love hearing things like, “Just to be in your presence is transformative”, or “I always feel better when I talk to you, even if we are just chatting”. How does it get any better than that?

When you perceive something or someone as being sick or hurt and needing to be healed, then you re-enforce that reality. And you can’t HEAL someone unless they are sick or hurt, right? People will do better if you see them as whole and perfect, as they are right now. Rather than joining the suffering masses in their reality, be the invitation to them to join you in a new reality. This is true compassion.

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In this series I will be exploring the energy of language. I will look at commonly used words from the point of view or their original meaning because words carry the energy of their original meaning even though we have a different understanding of them now. I will also explore the energy of language from the point of view of my Greater Self.

People are constantly talking, both with their mouths (outside voice) and in their heads (inside voice). The logical mind (left brain) communicates with words. But words have meanings and energies that can be very different from what the logical mind thinks. So when we use these words, whether with the inside or outside voices, the energy underneath still comes through.


“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

Why is it that trying is so associated with failure?

I have looked at the energy of the word “try” and it has nothing to do with success. It seems to be associated with an old energy related to religions, which promises a reward for good behavior. You may believe that you DON’T believe this, but I bet you do. So many times I’ve heard people (including myself) say something like “I’ve followed divine inspiration, I’ve done what spirit told me to do, I’ve worked to raise my frequency and stay positive, why haven’t things gotten better?”

The underlying energy of that is “I tried to be good, where’s my reward?”

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. There is no reward for good behavior. But, there is a major belief system that there is a reward if you try hard enough!

The dictionary has several definitions of the word try.
The first definition – To make an effort to do or accomplish (something) – is the one we usually think of as the meaning of try.

As discussed before, words have energy and the underlying energy of a word is not necessarily the same as the common usage.

The second definition for try is – To taste, sample, or otherwise test in order to determine strength, effect, worth, or desirability.

Number Three – To examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process. To put (an accused person) on trial.

Number Four – To subject to great strain or hardship.

Are you getting the drift?

No more trying!

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In this series I will be exploring the energy of language. I will look at commonly used words from the point of view or their original meaning because words carry the energy of their original meaning even though we have a different understanding of them now. I will also explore the energy of language from the point of view of my Greater Self.

People are constantly talking, both with their mouths (outside voice) and in their heads (inside voice). The logical mind (left brain) communicates with words. But words have meanings and energies that can be very different from what the logical mind thinks. So when we use these words, whether with the inside or outside voices, the energy underneath still comes though.


The common meaning (what I found in my dictionary) of want is “to desire to have or do something”. But the original meaning was “to lack of something”. If is from Old Norse vantato be lacking”. This was the meaning of “want” that was in dictionaries as recently as the 1940’s.

Words carry the energy of their original meanings. So if you say, “I want money”, the energy says, “I lack of money”. That’s a really different meaning!

Conversely, if you say, “I don’t want to be sick”, the energy says, “I don’t lack of being sick”. Oops!

Think of all those positive affirmations people have said using “I want…” No wonder they didn’t work!

You might have been told that instead of saying “I want money” you should say something like ”I am wealthy”. Unfortunately, your mind immediately responds, “Have you seen my bank account? I am NOT wealthy?

Instead of want, try using desire. Recently desire has taken on an undertone of sexuality, and people shy away from it. But I don’t have a problem with desire!

It is even better to use choose. This word packs a punch. “I choose money.” Your mind can’t negate that. It feels expansive and light.

Listen to what you say to others. Listen to your inner dialogue. If you are aware of your language, you can change it and so change your experience.

Next time we look at try.

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