
Posts Tagged ‘astrology’

We are going through an emotionally intense time. We can get lost in confusing emotions and it is impossible to step back, to trust that all is happening for a good reason and to take us to a better place.When in “high juice” it is difficult to be clear and to take in any new information.

You don’t need to look at the stars to know that there is a whole lot of transformation happening now. But, it does help us to find clarity and gain understanding of the bigger picture.  I will be talking about this during the webinar Saturday.

There are two ways to expand your feelings of self-love and self worth. The first is to have more experiences that reinforce those positive feelings and to say “yes” to that. The other way is to experience the opposite and say “no” to the situations and people involved. When you are experiencing the second scenario it can feel like the universe is trying to make you feel bad.

If you need a way to smooth and ease your way through or would like clarity about what is happening, I hope that you will join us tomorrow, Saturday July 18th, for my free webinar.

If you just enjoy expanding out with other human angels and would like to feel wonderful and blissful, you are very welcome to join us, too.

Those of you who know me know that whatever I do is going to be enjoyable, expansive and usually funny.  I love being able to help others without getting “all serious” (I love to get “all Sirius”, though).  Sirius is a big participant in the cosmic dance right now.  Since Sirius is in direct alignment (conjunct the Sun) I expect to get some yummy cosmic energy from the Galactic Center via Sirius to our Sun and to us!

My soul has spent a lot of time living in the Sirius Star System (and a part of me still does) so I love to roll around in the glorious cosmic flow.

I suspect your soul does also… 🙂
Date: July 18, 2015
Time: 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time
Check the World Clock for your time zone.
Cost: Free!

With all the great energy moving through and around us now, how could we NOT get together and DO something?!

Click here for the webpage.

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The exact day and time is Monday at 7:29 p.m. Pacific Time but we can be ready to use the transformational energies that are coming with this splendid Equinox!
Date: Sunday September 21, 2014
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Same time zone as San Francisco. To see your time zone go to the World Clock. )
Cost: $22.00
The mp3 recording is included in the price.

I didn’t know why, but I started feeling excited and hopeful about this Equinox ( exact on September 22nd at 7:29 p.m. Pacific Time). I do know that many people (clients, friends and family) have been focusing on creating a more balanced life. The Equinox is, of course the day when we have exactly the same amount of daytime as night, so it is balanced. This Equinox the Sun is entering Libra which is all about balance, especially in relationships. Libra is represented by the balancing scales.
I started to see a theme develop…

Learn more and register here.

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We are starting in a little over one hour. Please join us live for this life changing event!

The time has come … you do NOT HAVE TO DO THIS ALONE!

This is your chance to receive the new template for relationships of all kinds. The masculine principle (Mars) has been reviewing history to up-level his ability to be in conscious, equal partnership. The feminine principle (Venus) has completed a trip through the cosmos, finished with a meeting with Chiron (the wounded healer) to clear any remaining distortions and is ready to start a new cycle. Now the two of them are in dynamic connection, sharing information in preparation of Mars moving forward with the new plan.

The astrological information is only a part of the webinar.

During this webinar you will:
Learn how we got here in the first place and what is changing?
Clear the programming that is the core of our relationship problems.
Learn about your Relationship Axis – what type of relationship is your soul desiring?
What you need to feel honored and respected.
Find out how to honor and respect someone with a different Relationship Axis.
Meet your Inner Masculine and Feminine. How to channel their energy and create your Sacred Marriage within.
And much more…. I honestly am not sure if I can keep this to only one hour!

Important: Please do not wait until the last moment to register as you will need your natal chart (available for free at Astrolabe and might want to download the course materials to write notes.

(The webinar will be recorded and available within one hour of the end. If you are unable to listen live, you may still ask questions or make suggestions in the Q and A Box on the Webinar Page.)

Conscious Equal Partnership Webinar
Date: Today, May 17, 2014
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Same as San Francisco. Check the World Clock for your time zone.)

Register here:

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There is no question that the Cosmic Wind has been blowing! I wrote before that the Grand Cross was the “squeeze before the pop”. Get your glass ready as it is almost time to pour the champagne!

The Cardinal Grand Cross is still in place and is being joined by Venus in Aries (with Uranus) and the Moon in Libra (with Mars). This is creating a Double Grand Cross starting early Sunday morning (Pacific Time).

Additionally, the Sun in Taurus is opposite Saturn in Scorpio adding some “zing”!

Mars is continuing its eight month stay in Libra, transforming the masculine. Mars has been retrograde in Libra, learning about conscious, equal partnership, since February 28th. When a planet is retrograde it is revisiting the past. Curiously, there are no significant archetypal “gods” that represent Libran masculinity in the three mythic streams underlying our culture, namely the Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian or Celtic. This leaves the masculine to create a new way to be in partnership.

Venus is helping out right now. Starting on about May 7th Venus has been connected to Mars via what is called an opposition. Rather than seeing this as two things fighting against each other, it is like the string on a guitar. When is is loose there is no sound. When pulled tight and activated (through touch or conscious intention) the string creates a vibration that we can perceive (hear).

As Mars is rethinking his role as the partner, Venus is connecting to add input. We can then activate this “dynamic polarity”. This is not the only “note in the sky”, far from it. Together we can create a beautiful symphony!

Welcome to Imagi-Creation’s Monthly Free Webinar!

Starting soon…
(The webinar will be recorded if you are unable to attend today.)

Date: Saturday, May 10, 2014
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Same as San Francisco. Check the World Clock for your time zone.)

Click here for the webinar.

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2012 is a transformational year. You already knew that! That means letting go of old stuff and opening to new experiences. The eclipses in May and other astrological energies have been supporting the process of transforming anything in the realm of Gemini, which is all about thinking, communicating and beliefs. The Solar Eclipse on May 20th was at the very beginning of Gemini. The Cosmic energy coming from the Galactic Center to our Sun and ultimately to Earth was interrupted by the moon. It’s like we had a new mental operating system installed and the Eclipse was the rebooting of the system. Since then the cosmic wind at our backs is blowing away belief systems like crazy. We are being forced to look at our thoughts and beliefs, see them for what they are, ONLY BELIEFS, not truths, and let them go. Out with the old and in with the new.

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You are invited to listen to the audio recorded June 23, 2012.

I spoke a bit about the “Cosmic Wind at our backs”, what the universe is supporting now. We talked about some wonderful magical experiences we’ve had and can have in the future. There were many interesting questions about parallel realities, different dimensions, E.T.s and more. There was practice using our extra senses and had a wonderful swim with the dolphins.

Click here to listen to or download the mp3.

Or copy and paste: http://imagi-creation.com/schedule-of-events-2/monthly-free-teleseminar-live/

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We’re doing it again! Every month ImagiCreation hosts a free teleseminar. This is a chance for you to ask questions, get information about the current energies on the planet and connect with your Spiritual Family.

If you are feeling the build-up toward the Eclipse on May 20th then you will want to join us.

Here’s some more information:

There’s a complete Solar Eclipse on May 20 (May 21 in Europe).  Solar Eclipses are extraordinary New Moons, indicating not just the start of a new lunar month but of a whole new life phase. The Eclipse will be an especially important event for anyone with planets located near the transition from Taurus to Gemini, Scorpio to Sagittarius,  Leo to Virgo and Aquarius to Pisces. Oh, lucky me… This eclipse is positioned exactly on my Natal Sun (where the Sun was at the moment I was born). And my Sun is part of a Grand Square with my Natal Moon in Sagittarius, Pluto in Virgo and Chiron at the end of Aquarius and Jupiter at the end of Scorpio. This certainly caught my attention!

So I checked in with St. Germaine and asked, “What do I need to know about this eclipse?” The picture I got was of Superman out in space looking at the Earth with his X-ray vision. The rays were looking deeply into the center of the planet. This meant that the planet is being bombarded with a frequency that will penetrate to a deeper level than we have ever had before. Though the image was physical, going into the planet, I got that it also meant that it will affect us in a deep way. It’s like when the hippie says, “That’s deep, man!”

There’s a myth that Zeus released one eagle from the east and another from the west to find the center of the world. They flew until they collided above Delphi. Delphi is where the famous oracles breathed the “breath of Apollo” (thought to be gas from deep inside the mountain) and accessed the wisdom of the Gods. So the center of the Earth is the place of “higher” wisdom. One of the things that we are experiencing in this stage of our transformation/awakening process is opening up to higher dimensions. This wave of energy is definitely multi-dimensional or from a higher dimension.

This inflow was initiated by the Super Moon and is kicking into gear right now. I had some very meaningful and transformative dreams last night. What was interesting about the dreams (I will not bore you by writing them all out) was that they seemed really simple. It was just regular stuff, but it felt different, and when I woke up I felt different, in a good way.

Of course, when you shine a light into a place that has been in the dark for a long time, you will flush out some old stuff that was hidden there. I can tell you that I have had some “larger than usual” emotional releases in the last few days. There was a lot of hopelessness, sadness and grief. So you can expect some shaking up, and likely to be in a literal way also. There could be some earthquakes and individually you could be off balance.

With the eclipse being in Gemini, pay attention to anything that has to do with communication, listening, and speaking. It is square to Neptune which can be very visionary and, but the shadow side of Neptune confusion and fooling ourselves.  I asked for suggestions on how to use these energies in the best way and avoid the more challenging potentials. First of all, St. Germaine suggested that we don’t try so hard. Be willing to let things go. Don’t get caught up in drama (always good advice) and, of course, breathe.

I have more suggestions but I don’t want to type any more (it’s dinner time and I’m hungry) plus I will be sharing this information in ImagiCreation’s Monthly Free Teleseminar is this Saturday, May 12th. We’ll also be doing some processes and guided meditations and answering your questions.

I hope that you can join us live but if the time doesn’t work for you, the recording will be available immediately after.

Here’s the link to the teleseminar: http://imagi-creation.com/schedule-of-events-2/monthly-free-teleseminar-live/

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August’s Monthly Free Teleseminar is now available to listen online or to download.

Current energies and opportunities, regaining the original, empowered feminine and masculine, how to communicate with the Angels, Ascended Masters and ETs and a guided meditation led by Isis and Ahrazu/Osiris.

Click here to access the teleseminar recording.

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I hope that you enjoy it!

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Happy Solstice!

We have some interesting things going on astrologically right now.

Jupiter and Neptune have met two times before this year. Today they are conjunct in Aquarius for the third and last time (there’s that number 3 again). The next meeting will be years from now, April 12, 2022, and after that not again until March 24, 2035.

Jupiter is all about expansion and the fastest path to enlightenment. Neptune has the Christ energy. It is idealistic and visionary. When these two dance together in Aquarius (you all know about Aquarius!) it is a rare and very beneficial cosmic gift, and rare ones are more noticeable.

The Moon, representing the lineage of your soul, is right there next to Jupiter and Neptune. All three are in a favorable sextile relationship with Pluto (shadow material), the Sun (our fuel or energy) and Venus (feminine, receptive energy). And Mars (masculine, active energy) is opposite the conjunction, opposing it.

You are supported in any creative breakthroughs now. Ride the wave of inspiration. Let you mind and soul run free, exploring all the creative possibilities. But now is not the time to take action on your creation. You could create a folder call “Creation Cauldron”. Write down your ideas and let them stew for a bit. In January review, make any changes and do research. As 2010 progresses you will know the right time to manifest your creation.

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Over the next few days, about Oct. 11- 14, 2009 Jupiter is stationing direct. That means that it is at the point in its retrograde (apparent backwards motion) cycle when it stops and turns forward again. Jupiter is in team-oriented Aquarius, where it will rejoin compassionate Chiron and spiritual Neptune in December, inviting us to rediscover a sense of community and collective creativity. Jupiter is all about expansion and growth. When it is in retrograde motion (like it has been since June 15th) then the emphasis is on inner growth. Once Jupiter is moving forward again it is easier to expand and create in the outer world.

The themes associated with Jupiter are – educational goals, philosophy of life, religious and spiritual beliefs, literary and publishing endeavors, expansion of consciousness, team sports and group projects, long-distance travel, Big Business, providence and benevolence, good luck and fortune. The things to watch out for are overdoing it, unwise gambles, arrogance and pride.

When a planet is stationing direct it is called a still point. There is a lot of potential in a still point. Imagine an archer drawing back his arrow. It is at the moment just before he releases the arrow that the course is chosen. Jupiter is now at that point, so it is a good time to take conscious aim.

What is it that you would like to expand in your outer world? What idea would you like to put into action? Now is the time to focus your intent. Think about what you desire, feel how it feels. You do not need to know the details now. Simply feel the energy of your creation. Imagine it is already done. Create a rich and powerful feeling sense of your desire. What would you do if you knew that you could not fail? Breathe it in and expand it out.

Imagine you are holding a “Creation Arrow”. Put all of your creation energy into it. In your mind’s eye, see that beautiful arrow and aim it until it feels right.

Now take a big breath, and let it go! Your creation is on its way!

The next step is to take action that matches the energy of your creation. But Jupiter is a slow mover. It will be a while before it gets up to speed. So don’t rush into action. Over the next few days and weeks, watch for synchronicities, be aware of your dreams and listen for ideas. Maintain the feeling of your Creation Arrow and use that feeling to know what of the possible actions will most support your desired creation.

Robert Wilkinson wrote a good article about how Jupiter in Aquarius affects the various signs. If you like to read a lot about astrology, enjoy the whole article. If not, scroll down to the part about the signs. Read about your Sun Sign and your Ascendant.

If you don’t know your Ascendant you can get it here for free!

You must know your birth time.

If the link to the article doesn’t work, copy and paste this:


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