
Posts Tagged ‘inner child’

Don’t miss out…

Imagi-Creation’s Valentine’s Day Free Webinar
is happening this Sunday  (tomorrow) at 1:00 p.m.
(Same as San Francisco. Check the  World Clock for your time zone.)
In honor of Valentine’s Day, I will focus on relationships, especially the inner relationships with various aspects of your self.

If you have questions or suggestions please write them in the Question Box on the Webinar Page.   

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Who’s in There, Anyway?

By Sarah Biermann

The human psyche is a complex, fascinating and sometimes, confusing thing.  The true Self is the natural leader of your inner world and is a very good leader.  It is mature, compassionate, loving and curious.  Unfortunately, it is surrounded by a crowd of hurt parts from the past, as well as the protector parts that do their best to keep you from feeling the negative emotions in the hurt part.  Other parts are trying to protect you from potentially painful actions.

Example: Your father would hit you if your raised your voice.  A part of you makes sure that you keep your voice low so you don’t get hit.  Since the protector was created when you were a child, it is not as sophisticated as an adult and you end up being afraid to express anger with anyone.

Your unconscious mind holds beliefs and emotions that the conscious mind is not aware of or able to control or change.  Most of these beliefs were developed or learned in childhood, often a hurtful, powerless time of life.  Since the unconscious mind communicates through images, emotions and physical sensations, you must use that language to understand and “talk” to it.  The unconscious inner parts are just like any other entity.  They seek to be seen, heard and understood.  To “get gotten”.  Below is a fictional representation of how the inner parts operate and what you can do to help them to heal from the past traumas, function as adults and be an asset instead of a liability.

When Susie was a little girl she was harshly teased by schoolmates.  Her family had moved from across the country and Susie had a distinct and different accent.  The other kids would mock her every time she talked.  She felt humiliated and powerless to change the situation.  She developed a strategy of being generally quiet and making sure she would never “stand out”.

As an adult she occasionally needs to give a verbal presentation to a group of people as part of her job.  For days in advance she is anxious to the point of distraction.  During her presentation, she is  panicky, in a cold sweat, stuttering and blushing.  Afterward she “beats herself up” for being unable to do something “so simple”.  The experiences are traumatizing AND it is negatively affecting her job.  She knew she had to do something to change this.

During her session, she told me she had always been shy and anxious around people, but she didn’t remember most of two or three years of her childhood.  She was also embarrassed to tell me about the problem.  Her inner world was inhabited by a seven-year-old girl who was sitting on the floor, arms wrapped around her legs, face tucked down and rocking slowly.  Standing over her was a scowling woman, hands on hips and intently on the look-out for strangers.  It was her job to guard the girl and make sure the girl stayed quiet, especially in front of others.  There was another part that was very angry with the girl and berated her, “Stand up!  Talk to me.  Why do you alway hide?  You are so stupid… just talk!”

Susie was aware of this critical, judgmental part.  The critic showed herself rather frequently.  The guard part prevented Susie from accessing the girl.  Susie was not even aware of the guard or the girl.  Both the critic and the guard needed to be listened to and be “gotten” before they trusted Susie’s Self enough to let her approach the girl.  Talking to them from a non-judgmental and truly curious place allowed them to express their opinions and how they felt. When she was given permission (never try to force this, they will just fight back harder), Susie sat down next to the girl.  The girl was apprehensive about talking, but Susie’s Self was not at all judgmental or pressuring her, and was truly curious.

One thing I love about this process is that the hidden part can hold the memories of the events that caused you the problem.  Once you contact the hidden part, you get the memories back.  Susie was quite surprised when she suddenly remembered the lost years.

“How could I have forgotten all that?”

Susie felt a surge of love for the girl.  It was the critic part that was angry at her.  Susie told the girl that she loved her, that it wasn’t her fault and that she loved her accent.  Both Susie and the girl cried tears of joy as Susie hugged the girl.  Then came some giggles.

The last step is to bring the, now unstuck, part into the here and now.  She wasn’t really in the past, but she believed that she was.  Over the next few weeks, Susie spent time with the girl, reinforcing her safety and lovability.

The guard and the critic changed too.

The next time Susie had to make a presentation, she was a little nervous, but could  assure the girl that her Self would protect the girl.  She also had her supportive, new nanny (the transformed guard) to be with her.  At one point the, much gentler, critic came out.  Susie’s Self listened to her concerns without judgment, and helped her to understand that criticizing was not actually helping and was, instead, making it harder.

The presentation wasn’t “perfect”, but there wasn’t the traumatic emotional “bomb” like before and Susie was confident that it would only get easier.

The human psyche is indeed a fascinating and complex thing, but it doesn’t have to be confusing.  Even though the whole process was “all in Susie’s head”, just imagination, it made a huge difference in her out world.  The other benefit isß she understands her inner world and has tools to navigate therein, making it easier to transform any other inner parts if and when they show up.

Valentine’s Day Special Offer – One-hour Individual Session only $92.00!

Learn more….

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The Old Earth Game is over, yeah!  We did it.  It took time and a lot of effort, but we completed the template for the New Earth Game (NE Game) and have finally installed it here. The Earth Game Template is like an operating system on your computer.  The process of changing from the old to the new requires many steps.  First we have to get to the point of “being done with” the old system, when the old way isn’t working for you anymore.  If it was working, there would be no reason to change.  (This is why so many have experienced  “failure” trying to get the Old Earth Game to work for them.)  We have created the NE Game Template “out there” and recently installed it here.  Just like with a computer, when a new OS is installed you have to shut down the computer and re-boot.  Then you have to sort through and fix all the glitches.  That was what happened in 2013 for sure, and everybody experienced it in one way or another.  2013 was not easy and not much fun either.  We were so excited about having our New Earth Game (Dec. 21, 2012 expectations) that the glitches, stalls and failures felt extra frustrating.  

Finally, the New Earth Game is running pretty smoothly.  It isn’t perfect yet, partially because some of the users are trying to keep the old system.  We are just learning how to use the new OS.  The function keys create different results and our favorite short-cuts have turned into dead ends!

Ahrazu has assured me that the installation is almost complete worldwide and for those of us who helped design the NE Game, it is fully functional.  Our only challenge is that our human aspect was busy here trying to survive in this crazy world while our Greater Selves were creating the NE Game.  So we humans have some learning to do.  

I’ll give you a couple of hints: 

  • We are able to manifest much more quickly now, but if you let you focus drift, then your intention can be  over-powered by another person, people or mass-consciousness.
  • Money is still required and how we relate to money are how we manifest money are changing.  Do you love money?  I’m talking about the actual notes and coins.  Are you able to reach through the layers of mis-use, greed and abuse that is associated with money to connect with the pure, original essence of money? 
  • Manifesting in the New Earth Game starts with your Inner Child.  Why, because that is where you start.  Every person on the planet has an Inner Child.  It is the only psychological aspect that everyone has.  Your early childhood experience sets the pattern for how you interact with physical reality.    

This is why my first class is all about The Magical Inner Child: Your secret to manifesting your dreams, feeling secure, creating health and so much more.

This is a stand-alone webinar and the first in my Manifesting in the New Earth Game Series.  

Date: Saturday March 22, 2014
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time
(Same time zone as San Francisco. Check the World Clock for your time zone.)
Cost: $33.00 Includes the mp3 recording.    

 Click here to learn more and to register.

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ImagiCreation’s 11-11-11 Teleseminar:
Expect the Unexpected!

Reuniting and balancing three aspects:
Masculine and Feminine
Spirit/Greater Self and Earth/Human Self
Child and Adult

Connecting the Chakras to allow more light in and
activate the New Energy Template for our bodies.

Opening the Seed of Christ Consciousness – Self Love

Date: November 11, 2011
Time: 1 – 2 p.m. Pacific Time
Cost: $33.00

Learn more or register here.

Or copy and paste: http://limitless-one.com/index.asp?ID=263

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